Volunteer to
Build the Circuit
The Albany Classic would not take place if it weren’t for the generosity and support of local sponsors and volunteers. Volunteers work right through the weekend with the collection and delivery of track equipment into town starting early the week before. Trucks, trailers, cranes and forklifts are all busy well before track construction begins.
Track construction starts at 11:30pm Saturday night and this only happens because of the teams of committed volunteers working with equipment loaned from local businesses.
Join the team for a unique and surprisingly rewarding experience of turning the Albany CBD into a motorsports venue!
To help with the overnight construction of the competition circuit please contact;
Ken Stone at Ken Stone Motor Trimmers on 9841 6688 for information and to register.
For all other volunteer opportunities please contact secretary@albanyclassic.com
How can you help?
We are always in need of more night track set up crew – ticketed truck, fork lift and crane drivers as well as crew to place concrete barriers, bolt up the Armco and tie it all together with chains and lay out barrels, crowd control bunting or sacks of sawdust in front of poles.
If you are physically capable to lift, shift, tie a knot or swing a spanner then please join a great bunch of guys and gals. You’ll have an all areas pass, breakfast provided and a great post event BBQ where you can grab your event t-shirt and stubbie holder (with complimentary refills).

© Courtesy of Vicki Lyn Photography
Post Event BBQ
THANK YOU to all the set up crews
It's always a great effort and we look forward to seeing you again!